Gyrotonics & Pilates Studio - Pilates Hub
Introduction to Pilates
Pilates, the 90- year old internationally recognized method is an all-encompassing workout, offering itself to just about everyone from the sedentary office worker to the professional dancer. The Method compounds muscle groups & trains the whole body, coordinating the upper and lower musculature with the body’s center. All the 500 odd exercises are designed to get the body to work through it’s full range of motion, using every single bundle of the 800 voluntary muscle-motors that each of us has been given to alter ourselves. The Method combines the best of the Western and Eastern traditions, blending the mind and body, and viewing them as a unit working in complete harmony with one another. The Eastern approach to exercise is a path to calmness, being centered and whole, with an emphasis on stretching and limbering. The Western approach emphasizes motion, muscle tone and strength. Joseph H. Pilates emphasized both these approaches in his Method. There is no free play of movements made quickly or jerkily. There is no impact, & no violent movements. Heavy weights are not involved, and in most cases movements are only repeated a few times each. Any straining to the point of exhaustion is considered counterproductive.
Conditions the whole body
While Pilates takes a “whole body” approach, other programs take a “body parts” approach to conditioning, with specific isolated exercises for each muscle group. The balanced body method elongates as it strengthens & stretches, resulting in long, strong & lean muscles. The exercises are totally non-impact and non-weight bearing, producing fast results. No muscle group is overtrained or undertrained. The entire musculature is evenly conditioned. This style of exercise is well known for producing sleek, strong, muscular bodies. Little wonder that actors and celebrities Cameron Diaz, David Beckham, Madonna, Katherine Hepburn, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock, Megan Fox, Elizabeth Hurley, & Martina Navratilova, to name a few, have turned to this system. The Method should be combined with effective aerobic/ cardio activity such as an aerobic class, jogging, walking, or cycling for a complete programme of both muscular & cardiovascular fitness.
Pilates: Some History
In 1923, German-born Joseph Pilates introduced his novel & revolutionary method of physical & mental conditioning to the U. S. A. As a child, Pilates was an asthmatic and suffered from rickets. This acted as a motivator to him, to improve his strength and physique. Pilates' method was the product of his life-long observation of the human body and its natural functioning. He was a gymnast and pugilist who had brillant & creative ideas about fitness & rehabilitation following physical injury. In a British internment camp in World War I, Pilates rigged a hospital bed so that patients could begin their recovery while still flat on their backs. This idea evolved into one of the main components of what was to become a whole method of exercise, which Joe called "Controllogy".
Gyrotonics & Pilates FAQs
The Trapezius, Studio Reformer, Allegro Reformer, Combo chair, Wunda chair, Magic Circle, Barrels, Spinal Correctors, the Tower Handle Pulley are some of the equipment the Hub offers.
One hour.
No, just a normal, healthy, balanced diet. More info will be given upon enrolment.
You can come as often as you like (but not more than once a day). Though a member's welcome to come in all 7 days of the week, it's recommended that ideally they do Gyrotonics & Pilates in the Pilates Hub about 3 times a week.
No. You can come in anytime the place is open. But men are restricted to the men's timings only.
Yes, on a monthly basis.
Yes. Depending on a person's particulars (age, health problems, goals, fitness level, etc), the trainer will make a programme for each individual member, & help them implement the same. The programme will be changed frequently by the trainer.
Yes. If you'd like a locker, speak to any of our Trainers & they'll help you.
Yes, there is no prohibition from working out with other exercise programs depending upon your goals.
Yes, cardio (Aerobic classes, treadmill, cycle, walk, jog, swim etc). If you're also working out at the Gym, get in more cardio than usual.
Yes, with your doctor's approval. These methods can be used well into the 60's & 70's. Joseph used the Method well into his 80's.
Yes. Many people with tissue injuries, especially athletes and performing artists, can repair damage to the body using the Gyrotonics & Pilates Method.
By using the Gyrotonics & Pilates Method, you will tighten all your muscles and lose inches around the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. In conjunction with a proper diet, the Method promotes a lean and graceful appearance.
No. Long, lean, defined muscles are developed.
No. It's all equipment based only.
The Benefits of Pilates
- Your body becomes slimmer, firmer, stronger & more shapely, losing inches around the mid section and thighs.
- Strength is added to the body without bulk
- You can move more easily and quickly, perform many tasks, acquire many desired physical skills and prevent injury
- Physical and mental strength and endurance are increased, making it ideal for those leading stressful lives or those recovering from an injury
- The mind becomes the body's master, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem
- Most back pain is relieved
- Many musculoskeletal injuries can be reversed, Pilates playing a special and valuable role in rehabilitation.
- Improved muscle flexibility and joint mobility
- The body's coordination, posture, balance and alignment are corrected
- A good night's sleep is assured
- Fatigue, discomfort and pain are lessened
Pilates Equipment
- Allegro Reformer
- Studio Reformer
- Reformer Trapeze Combo
- Wunda Chair
- Combo Chair
- Magic Circle
- C-Shaper
- Baby Arc/ Spinal Corrector
- Ladder Barrel/ Stair Barrel
- Swiss Ball
- Dynaband
- Core Board
- Gyrotonics Tower Handle Pulley
Facilities Available
- Fully equipped Gyrotonics & Pilates Studio - Pilates Hub
- Changing room available
- Day Lockers (no extra cost)
- Basic recommended dietary guidelines
- Individual programmes tailored for each member, monitored and periodically changed by Trainer
- Progress recorded on a periodical basis by Trainer
- Open 7 days a week
Gyrotonics Basics
Gyrotonics (pronounced jy-ro-ton-ics) is a relatively new form of movement and body conditioning developed by Juliu Horvath, a Hungarian & a principal dancer in the world renowned Rumanian State Opera.
Taking from his extensive background in gymnastics, swimming, yoga and dance, Juliu has created a series of undulating spiral and circular movements, which exercise the musculature while mobilizing and articulating the joints. Coupled with specific breathing patterns, the movements release blockages and stimulates the nervous system while improving coordination and increasing both internal and external strength. Each exercise moves uninterrupted through flexion and extension, contraction and expansion resulting in a balanced support system for the skeleton. Done with a rhythm and flow the body moves through the exercise patterns. One can work gently and restoratively or more vigorously and aerobically by varying speed and/or intensity. The result is increased muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, a slim, stream-lined body, improved coordination & balance, cardiovascular stimulation, increased bone density, detoxification, tension release, neuromuscular rejuvenation, rehabilitation, improved posture, & better coordination.
This fluid system of exercises - executed on the apparatus Horvath designed, the Gyrotonics Tower/Handle Machine - uses hand and foot-operated wheelbases, suspended pulleys & spring tension to create resistance. There are 50 sets of exercises - with about 130 variations - to stretch, bend, twist and turn muscles with minimal effort.
Like the work of Joseph Pilates in its infancy, Gyrotonics has not yet become a household word and is just recently moving from the dance world into the mainstream.
The Gyrotonics System is used in combination with Pilates at our Pilates Hub . This is a three dimensional system of exercise which is a perfect complement to the Pilates Method is considered to be the next level from Pilates, & so is taken on only at a more advanced level at the Trainer's discretion.
Like with our Pilates, we are thrilled to be the first (& so far the only ones) to introduce Gyrotonics in India
Diet Guide
About Weight Loss
The right way in which to lose weight is not by dieting, but by eating the right kinds of food, coupled with the right amount of exercise. Diets (& especially crash diets) are not only ineffective, but can also be extremely harmful.
Recommended Dietary Changes (Healthy) food for thought...
- Remove the skin from chicken, fish & meat before cooking. These skins contain a high level of fat.
- Did you know that it takes your brain 20 minutes to realize that your stomach is full? So, if you eat slowly, putting your fork down after each bite, you'll become full after eating less food.
- Eat out of a smaller plate- you'll tend to feel you're eating more than you really are!
- Cut down on milk & milk products such as yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, fresh cream, etc. If you must consume the same, make sure they are made of "No fat" milk, which is easily available.
- Eat more carbohydrates. Ideally, 58% of our daily food intake should be in the form of carbohydrates, but mostly in the form of fruits & vegetables. Consume less starch, e.g. rice, bread, potatoes, chapattis, & pasta. Switch to unpolished rice, wholemeal or multigrain bread, chapattis made of nachni, johar or bajra flour (not white or wheat flour). Consume only one starch per meal, not more.
- Avoid fried foods. Use cooking methods such as boiling, baking, steaming & grilling instead.
- Keep these foods in check: butter, mayonnaise, whipped cream, cakes, chocolates, desserts, salad dressing, Indian sweets.
- It's interesting to know that by cutting down on fats & increasing your carbohydrates, you can eat more food without increasing your caloric intake! This is because: 1 gram of fat= 9 calories, whereas 1 gram of carhohydrates= 4 calories.
- Cut down on meats. Most of us eat 2- 3 times more protein than our bodies require.
- Cut down on aerated drinks. Avoid juices. Drink more plain, room temperature water through the day.
- Avoid alcohol as it is high on calories. 1 ounce has about 200 calories.
- Eat to the extent where you are satisfied, but not stuffed! Most of us have this tendency to over-eat without even realizing it.
- Of course, changing old habits is not easy, so be patient. Moreover, be honest with yourself.
1 Month

- Once a week
- 4 sessions
1 Month

- Twice a week
- 8 sessions
1 Month

- Thrice a week
- 12 sessions
1 Month

- Four times a week
- 16 sessions
1 Month

- Five times a week
- 20 sessions
1 Month

- Six times a week
- 24 sessions
- Term fees are to be paid when the member comes in to fill out their form and enrol or to rejoin, as the case may be. One may not pay their fees and start on the same day; fees must be paid in advance of a member's commencement date.
- If it's the first time you are joining Pilates Hub, just walk in and any of the Trainers will guide you through the formalities.
- Resident's Guest charges for one session of General Gym will be Rs.100/-
- Resident's Guest charges for one session of General Pilates will be Rs.300/-
- Resident's Guest charges for one session of General Aerial Arts will be Rs.200/-
- Resident's Consultancy Charges – Rs.2,000/- (Please speak to your Trainer for more information)
Days | Time | Instructor |
Mon to Sun | 06:00 am - 12:00 pm | - |
Mon to Sun | 05:00 pm - 11:00 pm | - |
Note: All our timings are open to both men and women.
If you've been working out at our Pilates Hub before, you can just pay the Trainer & sign-up directly in advance. One may not pay their fees and start on the same day; fees must be paid in advance of a member's commencement date.
If it's the first time you are joining Pilates Hub, just walk in and any of the Trainers will guide you through the formalities.
Upon Joining
Upon being a member at the Pilates Hub the following will apply to you.
- You will receive an ID Card from your Trainer on the day you commence your term, which you will need to produce whenever you take a session. Once the commencement date of your class has been fixed, it cannot be changed for any reason.
- You will get the most out of your Pilates Hub membership with 3 sessions a week. If your goal is to lose weight, combine this with regular aerobic / cardio exercise with a sensible diet which limits calorie intake without depriving you of the essential nutrients you need.
- Many exercisers like the look and feel of leotards and tights. T-shirts, track suits, cycling shorts, shorts etc. but any non-binding clothing, that allows you to move freely is fine to wear. Cotton especially during the hotter months of the year is preferable as it allows your body to breathe easily. Synthetics, on the other hand, like nylon, spandex or lycra, do not, and so are avoidable. Shoes and socks are not required.
- Day lockers available at no extra cost.
- We will be keeping track of your progress once every month. Speak to the trainer about this.
- Foreign exercise-wear is available at the BA Accessory Corner.
- Please bring a towel along to use on your floor mats that will be provided by us.
- Don’t eat about 2 hours before a session. If you’re very hungry, you could eat a light carbohydrate snack before you come in, but make sure you keep a gap of at least 1½ hours between your snack and your workout.
- Enrolment can only be for the whole month or for consecutive months. Your sessions can be taken during the term only, and not beyond that. Your sessions cannot be carried forward into the next term.
- Your term is not transferable to anyone else.
- There will be no refunds for any reason.
- We will be closed on certain Public Holidays. These dates will be specified on the Notice Board well in advance.
- Please have you Medical Clearance Form duly completed by your Medical Practitioner and return it to us as soon as possible.
- Any loss arising out of damage to any equipment / property of Body Art caused by an act of any member will be charged to the member against the loss so determined by the Management.